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Page d'accueil Les communes de France durant la  Seconde Guerre mondiale  
Anonymes, Justes et Persécutés durant la période nazie dans les communes de France
5 annonces de recherche
39/45 en France (WWII)
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38080 noms de commune
95 départements et l'étranger
1230 lieux d'internement
744 lieux de sauvetage
33 organisations de sauvetage
4368 Justes de France
1072 résistants juifs
16054 personnes sauvées, cachées
Expositions pédagogiques AJPN Exposition pédagogique 2e Guerre mondiale : la guerre, l'occupation, la vie quotidienne, les lois antisémites, les rafles, les justes, les enfants cachés, les rescapés, les témoins L'enfant cachée
Das versteckte Kind

Chronologie 1905/1945
En France dans les communes
Les Justes parmi les Nations
Républicains espagnols
Tsiganes français en 1939-1945
Les lieux d'internement
Les sauvetages en France
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Préfets :
Léopold Chénaux de Leyritz
(25/06/1940 - 24/01/1944) Léopold Marie Frédéric Chéneaux de Leyritz, Préfet de Haute-Garonne et préfet régional de la région de Toulouse à partir de 1941 (Ariège, Gers, Haute-Garonne, Hautes-Pyrénées, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Tarn et Tarn-et-Garonne et les parties non occupées des Basses-Pyrénées, de la Gironde et des Landes (1896-1970)
) secrétaire général de la sous-préfecture de Saint-Girons (Ariège), résistant
André Sadon
(24/01/1944 - 06/02/1944) André Paul Sadon, Préfet régional de la région de Toulouse (Ariège, Gers, Haute-Garonne, Hautes-Pyrénées, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Tarn et Tarn-et-Garonne et les parties non occupées des Basses-Pyrénées, de la Gironde et des Landes (1891-1965)
Jean Cassou
(1944 - 1944) Commissaire régional de la République de la région de Toulouse (Ariège, Gers, Haute-Garonne, Hautes-Pyrénées, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Tarn et Tarn-et-Garonne et les parties non occupées des Basses-Pyrénées, de la Gironde et des Landes (1897-1981)
Pierre Berteaux
(1944 - 1946) Pierre Félix Berteaux, Commissaire régional de la République de la région de Toulouse (Ariège, Gers, Haute-Garonne, Hautes-Pyrénées, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Tarn et Tarn-et-Garonne et les parties non occupées des Basses-Pyrénées, de la Gironde et des Landes (1907-1986)

À lire, à voir…

Serge Legrand-Vall Serge Legrand-Vall
La rive sombre de l'Ebre


Patrick Cabanel Patrick Cabanel
Cévennes, un jardin d'Israël


Frank Ristorcelli Frank Ristorcelli
Aulus-les-Bains Auschwitz


Philippe Joutard Philippe Joutard
Jacques Poujol
Patrick Cabanel
Gilbert Badia
Cévennes - Terre de Refuge 1940-1944


Arlette Lipszyc Arlette Lipszyc
En quête de mon père Jankiel Lipszyc, Skierniewice (1898)-Miremont (1944)


michel Fabre michel Fabre
La Micheline de 18h23


Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand Geneviève Dreyfus-Armand
Septfonds, 1939-1944. Dans l'archipel des camps français


Simonne Chiroleu-Escudier Simonne Chiroleu-Escudier
Mireille Chiroleu
Eric Escudier
La Villa Saint Christophe maison de convalescence pour enfants des camps d'internement avril 1941 février 1943


Sylvie Goll-Solinas Sylvie Goll-Solinas
Vous êtes venus me chercher


Alfred Roger Coutarel Alfred Roger Coutarel
Itinéraire d’un résistant des Cévennes à la Libération


David Lilienfeld David Lilienfeld
La Vie Quotidienne des Juifs en Ariège 1940-1945


Hervé Mauran Hervé Mauran
La Résistance espagnole en Cévennes (Les lieux de mémoire)

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Texte pour ecartement lateral

Ruth Herz

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Montégut-Plantaurel 09120 Ariège
Nom de naissance: Herz
Nom d'épouse: Goldschmidt
Date de naissance: 1922 (Holzheim (Allemagne))
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Au Château de la Hille :
allongé devant, Norbert Winter.
1er rang à partir de la gauche : Kurt Klein, Joseph Dortort, Max Krolik, Egon Berlin, Luzian Wolfgang et Gérard Kwaczkowski.
2e rang de droite à gauche : Édith Moser, Ilse Wulff, Inge Helft, Margot Kern, Rita Leistner, Frieda Steinberg, Lixie Grabkowicz, Else Rosenblatt, et Arie Grossmann.
Dernier rang : Kurt Moser, Ernst Schlesinger, Irma Seelenfreund, Edgar Chaim, Helga Klein, Léo Lewin, Ruth Herz, Manfred Kemlet, Rosemarie Cosmann, Emil Dortort, Inge Schragenheim, Hans Garfunkel, Max Schaechtele, Bertrand Elkan, Addi Nussbaum (Adolf) et M. Palau
source photo : USHMM. Coll. Hans and Ilse Garfunkel
crédit photo : D.R.
Ruth Herz au Château de la Hille, 1941-1942
source photo : Ruth Herz Goldschmidt
crédit photo : USHMM
Ruth Herz, Walter Kamlet, Werner Rindsberg et devant Rolf Weinmann au Château de Seyre, 1940-1941
source photo : Ruth Herz Goldschmidt
crédit photo : USHMM

Ruth Herz

Ruth Herz (now Goldschmidt) is the daughter of Eugene Herz and Lilly Weinberg Herz. She was born in Holzheim in 1922 where her father taught math and science in high school. Of the approximately 1000 inhabitants of the town, only six or seven families were Jewish. Despite that, the Herz's maintained a religiously observant life and attended a small synagogue, albeit with neither a rabbi nor a cantor. Ruth attended a German public school, and prior to Hitler's rise to power, had many non-Jewish friends.
After Ruth's father passed away from disease in 1932, and Ruth and her mother moved in with Lilly's father who ran a small grocery. Once the Nuremberg laws were passed, housewives no longer wanted a Jewish man bringing deliveries to their homes, so Ruth began delivering groceries for her grandfather. By 1938 her grandfather only sold to Jewish customers. Ruth was the only Jewish child in her school, and the other children, who belonged to the Hitler Youth, harassed her constantly. Ruth managed to complete 8th grade with the assistance of a teacher who risked his own career to help her.
However, since it became impossible for Jewish children to continue their education, Ruth moved to an orthodox Jewish orphanage in Dinskalen in May 1938. She studied many subjects including cooking, child psychology, English and Hebrew in preparation for her immigration to either Palestine or the United States. Ruth only stayed there for half a year, because the orphanage was destroyed in November 1938 during Kristallnacht. Her grandfather's home was also destroyed, but some Christian neighbors helped him repair part of it to make it temporarily livable.
Soon thereafter, Ruth left for Brussels on a Kindertransport. For the next few years her only contact with her mother and grandfather came through censored letters.

In 1939 her mother and grandfather had to sell their house in Holzheim and move to Mainz.
Lilly was deported to concentration camp in March 1942, where she perished. Ruth's grandfather died soon thereafter from old age, disease and starvation.

Ruth stayed in Brussels until 1940 where she worked as a mother's helper for a Christian family. She had to work from dawn until late at night doing the family's housework, yard-work and childcare.

After the German invasion of Belgium, the family escaped Brussels leaving Ruth behind. She joined a group of Jewish children and teenagers with German or Austrian background and fled by cattle car to Southern France. Local farmers provided the children with food and shelter, but French authorities registered everyone of German origin and interned those over 18 years of age in camps. Ruth was deported to Gurs.
The American Friends and the Swiss Red Cross supported children under the age of 18 and maintained several children's homes in France. They arranged for Ruth's release in October 1940.
Following her release from camp, Ruth worked under the auspices of the Swiss Red Cross in various children's homes, including Château de la Hille.

After the Italians surrender to the Allies in September 1943, the Germans seized control of the Italian zone and began a manhunt for Jews in the region. The mayor of a small village in the French Alps provided Ruth with fake identity papers, and Swiss nurses and teachers in a children's home hid her until after France was liberated in August 1944.

After the war, the home where she worked employed German Prisoners of War to do heavy labor. By chance, one of the POWs happened to be son of the Protestant minister from Holzheim. Ruth agreed to send letters to his widowed mother in Germany who put her in touch with her former teacher. She helped get him reinstated in the school system.
Eventually Ruth got in touch with her mother's cousins in Scotland who contacted other relatives in the United States.

Ruth immigrated to the States in November 1947 and worked as a nurse.

In 1950 married Arthur Goldschmidt, another immigrant from Germany.

Lien : United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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Témoignages, mémoires, thèses, recherches, exposés et travaux scolaires [Ajouter le votre]

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Vous êtes venus me chercher L'histoire de Rosa Goldmark, Récit 157 pages, réalisation 2014
Auteur : SYLVIE GOLL SOLINAS - terminal

Liens externes [Ajouter un lien vers un article d'intérêt ou un site internet]
1 Rencontre avec Paul Niedermann (Conférence de Paul Niedermann (1h24) enregistrée en mars 2011 au collège d'Estagel dans les Pyrénées-Orientales. Paul Niedermann retrace son parcours entre 1935 et 1945 de Karlsruhe à la Maison d'Izieu, en détaillant son passage au Camp de Rivesaltes. )
2 Page Facebook de Lois Gunden Clemens
3 Lien vers l'éditeur du livre "La Villa St Christophe à Canet-Plage" (La Villa Saint Christophe maison de convalescence pour enfants des camps d'internement avril 1941 février 1943 )
4 Vous êtes venus me chercher (Blog de l'auteur - parutions, conférences, signatures... )
5 Elie Cavarroc, Juste des Nations (M. Elie Cavarroc, nommé Juste des Nations. Référence du dossier n°10002 du Comité Français pour Tad Vashem )

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 * Juste parmi les Nations

Justes parmi les Nations - Righteous among the Nations - De Gerechten mank de Völker - Giusti tra le nazioni - Drept între popoare - Gerechter unter den Völkern - Sprawiedliwy wsród Narodów Swiata - Rechtvaardige onder de Volkeren - Justuloj inter la popoloj - Rättfärdig bland folken - Spravodlivý medzi národmi - Spravedlivý mezi národy - Vanhurskaat kansakuntien joukossa - Világ Igaza - Justos entre as nações - Justos entre las Naciones - Justos entre les Nacions
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