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39/45 en France (WWII)
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![]() ![]() ![]() Das versteckte Kind ![]() En France dans les communes Les Justes parmi les Nations Républicains espagnols Tsiganes français en 1939-1945 Les lieux d'internement Les sauvetages en France Bibliothèque : 1388 ouvrages Cartographie Glossaire ![]() ![]() Signaler un problème technique ![]() |
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Montrouge 92120 - Hauts-de-Seine | |||||||||||||||||||||
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![]() Albert Garih source photo : US Holocaust Memorial Museum crédit photo : D.R. |
How Did the Holocaust Shape Me as a Jew?
I was born in Paris in 1938 to Jewish parents who had emigrated from Turkey in the 1920s, as they no longer felt secure in a new modern nationalist Turkey born from the ashes of the former Ottoman Empire. In Turkey, my parents had been educated in schools from the Alliance Israélite Universelle and were already perfectly fluent in French. At these schools they had received a Jewish education better than I ever received in France in the 1950s. There I only attended public schools. My Jewish education was reduced to bare minimum preparation for my bar mitzvah, which I quickly forgot, as we never went to synagogue afterwards.
Although secular, my parent had a strong sense of their Jewish identity, which was probably reinforced by their exposure to antisemitism for the first time in their lives. Indeed, in Turkey, although the Jews lived together with fellow Jews, in their dealings with the Turks, there never was animosity, and they were treated with respect. My father would recall that as an immigrant, when he first arrived in France he had to report periodically to the immigration office, and there, the lower ranking bureaucrats would treat them like cattle. My father was a very proud man, and he suffered from this humiliation. So, whatever the circumstances, my parents didn’t have to be reminded that they were Jewish. The context was always there to remind them.
In 1942, when things became critical for the Jews in France, my parents sent my sisters and me to a farm, not too far from Paris, not telling the two ladies who were tending the farm that we were Jewish and arguing that we would be better fed in a farm than at home. So, we spent the winter of 1942–43 in that farm, and while my sisters were going to school, I stayed with these two ladies. Being very social, I would talk to them, and one day, I told them that we were Jewish. I was only four. The ladies sent us right back home, afraid of the danger of hiding Jewish kids. Needless to say that back home, my parents made sure that I would not tell anymore about our Jewishness.
During the war, we were exposed to different experiences with the French people. We didn’t live in a Jewish area and were surrounded with non-Jews who treated us nicely, with respect. However, my father was sent to a slave labor camp after being turned in by one of his coworkers. On the other hand, when he was taken away from us, my mother was fortunate enough to meet this lady, Madame Galop, and tell her that she was living in constant terror of the Gestapo or even some French police coming to take us away. Madame Galop told her husband, and they invited us to come and live with them. The Galops had two little girls, age four and three, with whom I would play and forget about the war. The Galops were a Protestant family. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the French Protestants had been exposed to persecutions by the Catholic church, and also, they had a better knowledge of the Bible than the Catholics.
Therefore, they were almost naturally inclined to help us. One perfect example of this inclination was the episode of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, where a Protestant minister, Pasteur André Trocmé, with the help of the population of surrounding villages in the Cevennes region of France, hid and saved thousands of Jews and non-Jews. So, with the Galops, we never felt different. We were fellow human beings protected from the mortal dangers of deportation by other fellow human beings. So, that experience contributed a great deal to shape my outlook on the world. Later on, we had to go back home because it was getting too dangerous to stay with the Galops, as the people in the small street where they lived began suspecting them of hiding Jews, and one of them threatened to denounce the Galops.
So, home we went, and a few weeks later, two French police inspectors came to take us away. Once again, whatever their motivations might have been (human decency, the feeling that Germany was losing the war, as this episode coincided more or less with the D-Day landing of the allies in Normandy) these police inspectors let us go, after recommending to my mother to leave the apartment right away. Once again, we were helped, this time, by a Communist couple, Robert and Suzanne Ménétrier, who were our next-door neighbors. Robert had been summoned to Germany for mandatory labor service and had not reported for duty, and therefore, could have been arrested at any moment. That didn’t stop them from taking us into their tiny apartment for a few days, until the social worker that my mother had gone to after the visit of the police inspectors found another hiding place for all of us (my mother as a governess for a family with 10 children near the Eiffel Tower, and my sisters and me in Catholic boarding schools in a suburb east of Paris).
So, if we are alive today, we owe it to people from all walks of life: a Protestant family, a Communist couple, and Catholic boarding schools. That went a long way in shaping my attitude toward the rest of the world. I know that we were particularly lucky to get such help from such diverse kinds of people, and that it was not the same for everyone else. Hence my ambivalence about the world today.
But all these experiences surely had a deep impact on my personal identity, particularly as a Jew. When the war was over for us, in August 1944 after the liberation of Paris, I was eager to go to school and resume a normal life. I was six, and it was time to go to elementary school. Of course, my parents, being secular and too poor to send me to a private school, that was never an option. Besides, we were strongly in favor of public school. Therefore, on October 1, back-to-school day, I remember I was very excited to start my education. I already knew how to read and write, having learned with my mom when we were with the Galop family. I had an edge over my classmates and soon found myself among the top three students of the class.
It was at school that I witnessed the first antisemitic incidents in my life, hearing some kids using antisemitic slurs against a Jewish kid. Having been instructed by my parents never to tell that I was Jewish, I was afraid to fight back and kept it for myself, but I soon began to realize that I was not one of them, that I was different. My close friends knew that I was Jewish, and that was never an issue with them, but the general environment was not helping me to fully integrate into the surrounding society. Somehow, I always felt a bit different. So, it was not only the Holocaust that shaped my Jewish identity, it was the society I was living in. In a way, I was a bit envious of those kids who were “real French” kids, something I never really felt personally. When I turned 10, I saw all these kids doing their first communion, wearing beautiful suits with a white bow on their arm, and I felt a little more like an outsider. And I was still hiding my Jewish identity. When I was 11, I had an appendectomy in a hospital where the nurses were nuns, and when one of the nuns asked my whether I was going to catechism, I didn’t dare to tell her that I was Jewish.
When I was about to turn 13, I asked my parents for a bar mitzvah. By then, my parents were no longer going to synagogue. After returning from deportation, my father refused to set foot in a synagogue. Only on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur would I go with my mom. Therefore, my parents didn’t feel the urge, and they were poor and could not afford a costly affair. So, I got a minimal preparation, and a luncheon limited to my family. Even my present, a beautiful watch, was paid in part from my own allowances. But I certainly was proud to have my own celebration. However, my parents were not encouraging me to pursue my Jewish education, and besides, in our neighborhood, we were surrounded by people from all walks of life and exposed to the most liberal ideas and therefore, anticlerical, even towards the Jewish faith. Furthermore, my parents had been stateless for 25 years after they immigrated to France (they got their French passports only in 1948), and they were eager for us to become real French citizens. For instance, at home, they would speak Judeo-Spanish among themselves, but not to us. They wanted us to focus on French, which didn’t stop me from learning their language.
It took me about ten years to get “out of the closet” and say openly that I was Jewish. When I turned 19 and became a student at the Sorbonne, I remember sitting in a philosophy class next to a Catholic girl who wanted me to join her in the annual Chartres Pilgrimage. When I refused, she stopped sitting next to me.
When I turned 20, I even had a German girlfriend, whose father had been the right age to have belonged to the Hitler Youth. She never told her parents that I was Jewish. What motivated me to keep this relationship? The fact that I was in love? Also, the dream of an ideal world where everybody loved everybody else? I don’t know. But I am not too proud of having put up with the fact that she concealed to her parents the fact that I was Jewish.
Anyhow, little by little, I came to terms with all these experiences that did nothing but strengthen my Jewish identity. In the early 1960s, Israel was very popular in France, and I was eager to go and visit. So, when I graduated from the school of translators and began my career, my first trip overseas was to Israel. The year was 1963. I have made many trips to Israel since.
History sometimes has strange twists. After having had several non-Jewish girlfriends, in 1967 I finally met a young religious Jewish woman whom I married. Today, our house is strictly kosher. We observe Shabbat and the Jewish holidays. My three daughters were raised religious Jews, and my ten grandchildren all have a rich Jewish education. Curiously enough, my parents also received a Jewish education in the schools of the Alliance Israélite in Istanbul, and mine is the only generation deprived of that education. But that doesn’t stop me from being an outspoken advocate of Jews and Israel, and a fierce critic of antisemitism. One way of doing it is by being a volunteer at the Museum, where I have an opportunity to educate people about the dangers of hatred, racism, and antisemitism.
That has been my itinerary as a 20th-century Jew, and the Holocaust is more than certainly one of the reasons for my strong sense of my Jewish identity.
©2015, Albert Garih. The text, images, and audio and video clips on this website are available for limited non-commercial, educational, and personal use only, or for fair use as defined in the United States copyright laws.
Né en 1909, Gabriel Galop* habitait dans une petite maison à Montrouge (Seine) avec sa femme Aimée* et leurs deux filles âgées de deux et quatre ans.
Gabriel Galop* fabriquait des décors de théâtre en plâtre.
En faisant ses courses au marché de Montrouge, Aimée Galop* rencontra un jour Claire Garih.
Benjamin Garih, né en 1903, et Claire née Alfandary en 1901, étaient de nationalité turque nés à Constantinople.
Claire était la fille de Nissim Alfandary et Rachel née Montias, tous les deux turcs.
Benjamin Garih et Claire étaient arrivés à Paris en 1923 et s'étaient mariés en 1928.
Benjamin Garih travaillait dans une usine de confection et la famille vivait dans la maison du concierge de l’usine, où Claire restait à la maison en prenant soin de ses enfants Jacqueline, née en 1930, Gilberte, née en 1933 et Albert né en 1938.
En mai 1940, l’Allemagne envahit la France et occupe Paris. Parmi les quelque 175 000 Juifs vivant à Paris, beaucoup ont tenté de fuir la ville avant les Allemands qui progressaient. Les Garih se dirigèrent vers le sud sans destination particulière et passèrent plusieurs nuits dans un château le long de la Loire, dormant à même le sol. Avec nulle part où aller, cependant, ils retournent à Paris, où ils sont soumis aux nouvelles mesures anti-juives.
En juillet 1942, les Garih sont obligés d’emménager dans un appartement de deux pièces sans salle de bains ni douche, avec seulement des toilettes et une petite cuisine.
En septembre 1943, Benjamin Garih est réquisitionné pour le travail obligatoire et envoyé dans les îles anglo-normandes, le seul territoire britannique occupé par les puissances de l’Axe.
Claire Garih se retrouvait seule avec ses trois enfants. Elle confia à Aimée Galop* qu'elle était juive et qu'elle vivait dans la terreur de ce qui risquait de leur arriver, à elle et à ses enfants. Aimée Galop* discuta de la situation avec son mari et les Galop décidèrent d'héberger les Garih chez eux, en dépit des risques. Tous quatre passèrent l'hiver 1943-1944 chez Aimée* et Gabriel Galop*, présentés comme des cousins de province.
Après le débarquement en Normandie en juin 1944, convaincue que le danger était passé, elle rentra chez elle. Mais les Allemands les Allemands intensifièrent la chasse aux Juifs. Peu après le retour des Garih à leur domicile, des policiers français vinrent les avertir qu'une rafle était prévue dans les prochains jours.
Claire et ses enfants rentrent chez eux, et reçoivent la visite de deux inspecteurs de la police française en juin 1944. Bien que la Gestapo leur ait ordonné d'arrêter les Garih, la police déclare qu'ils n'étaient pas à la maison. Claire et Albert passèrent les nuits suivantes avec leurs voisins communistes, Suzanne* et Robert Ménétrier*, tandis que Jacqueline, et Gilberte se cachaient au rez-de-chaussée de leur immeuble avec le concierge.
Suzanne* et Robert Ménétrier* vivaient dans un petit appartement de deux pièces à Montrouge (Seine). Suzanne* travaillait dans une imprimerie. Son mari, réfractaire du travail obligatoire en Allemagne, était considéré à ce titre comme déserteur.
Les Garih passèrent dix jours avec eux en attendant qu'on leur trouva un abri plus sûr.
Avec l'aide d'un travailleur social local, les Garih ont trouvé des endroits où rester. Claire Garih a travaillé comme gouvernante pour une famille parisienne. Albert a été placé dans un pensionnat catholique pour garçons pendant que ses sœurs étaient placées dans une école pour filles, toutes deux dans la banlieue nord-est de Montfermeil.
Les enfants n'avaient aucun moyen de communiquer avec leur mère. Bien qu'Albert ait été protégé par la directrice bien qu'elle le soupçonne d'être juif, il est devenu incroyablement maigre et affaibli par la pénurie de nourriture en temps de guerre.
En août 1944, les puissances alliées libèrent Paris et Montfermeil peu après. Dès la remise en service du train, Claire Garih se rend à Montfermeil et ramène ses enfants à Paris.
En mai 1944, juste un mois avant le jour J, les autorités allemandes évacuent les prisonniers détenus sur l'île d'Aurigny, via Cherbourg vers Boulogne. Des prisonniers, dont Benjamin Garih sont déployés comme travailleurs forcés dans le triangle Boulogne-Calais-Dunkerque, réparant des installations de fortifications côtières allemandes endommagées par les bombardements alliés. En août, peu de temps après le départ des Alliés de la tête de pont de Normandie, les Allemands avaient l'intention de transporter ces Juifs dans des camps de concentration en Allemagne, mais les résistants belges arrêtent le train et libèrent les prisonniers restants. y compris Benjamin Garih.
Benjamin Garih rentra chez lui de Dixmude, en Belgique, à Paris et arriva le matin de Roch Hachana.
Après la guerre, les familles restèrent amis.
En 1962, Albert est diplômé en traduction anglaise et espagnole de l'École supérieure de traduction et d'interprétation de la Sorbonne. En 1967, il épouse Marcelle Ohayon, avec qui il a trois filles et dix petits-enfants. Il a travaillé comme traducteur dans plusieurs organisations majeures, dont le bureau de traduction du président du Cameroun; une agence des Nations Unies à Montréal; et la Banque mondiale, qui l'a amené à Washington, DC, en 1976.
Le 11 février 1992, Yad Vashem a décerné à Aimée* et Gabriel Galop* et à Suzanne* et Robert Ménétrier*, le titre de Juste parmi les Nations.
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Etoile jaune: le silence du consistoire centrale , Mémoire ou thèse
7 pages,
réalisation 2013 Liens externes
Cet article n'est pas encore renseigné par l'AJPN, mais n'hésitez pas à le faire afin de restituer à cette commune sa mémoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Auteur :
Thierry Noël-Guitelman
- terminal
Lorsque la 8e ordonnance allemande du 29 mai 1942 instaure l'étoile jaune en zone occupée, on peut s'attendre à la réaction du consistoire central. Cette étape ignoble de la répression antisémite succédait aux statuts des juifs d'octobre 1940 et juin 1941, aux recensements, aux rafles, aux décisions allemandes d'élimination des juifs de la vie économique, et au premier convoi de déportés pour Auschwitz du 27 mars 1942, le consistoire centrale ne protesta pas.
1 Juifs en psychiatrie sous l'Occupation. L'hospitalisation des Juifs en psychiatrie sous Vichy dans le département de la Seine (Par une recherche approfondie des archives hospitalières et départementales de la Seine, l'auteur opère une approche critique des dossiers concernant des personnes de confession juive internées à titre médical, parfois simplement préventif dans le contexte des risques et des suspicions propres à cette période. La pénurie alimentaire est confirmée, influant nettement sur la morbidité. Ce premier travail sera complété par un examen aussi exhaustif que possible des documents conservés pour amener une conclusion. )
2 Héros de Goussainville - ROMANET André (Héros de Goussainville - Page ROMANET André )
3 Résistance à la Mosquée de Paris : histoire ou fiction ? de Michel Renard (Le film Les hommes libres d'Ismël Ferroukhi (septembre 2011) est sympathique mais entretient des rapports assez lointains avec la vérité historique. Il est exact que le chanteur Selim (Simon) Halali fut sauvé par la délivrance de papiers attestant faussement de sa musulmanité. D'autres juifs furent probablement protégés par des membres de la Mosquée dans des conditions identiques.
Mais prétendre que la Mosquée de Paris a abrité et, plus encore, organisé un réseau de résistance pour sauver des juifs, ne repose sur aucun témoignage recueilli ni sur aucune archive réelle. Cela relève de l'imaginaire. )
4 La Mosquée de Paris a-t-elle sauvé des juifs entre 1940 et 1944 ? une enquête généreuse mais sans résultat de Michel Renard (Le journaliste au Figaro littéraire, Mohammed Aïssaoui, né en 1947, vient de publier un livre intitulé L’Étoile jaune et le Croissant (Gallimard, septembre 2012). Son point de départ est un étonnement : pourquoi parmi les 23 000 «justes parmi les nations» gravés sur le mémorial Yad Vashem, à Jérusalem, ne figure-t-il aucun nom arabe ou musulman ? )
5 Paroles et Mémoires des quartiers populaires. (Jacob Szmulewicz et son ami Étienne Raczymow ont répondu à des interviews pour la réalisation du film "Les garçons Ramponeau" de Patrice Spadoni, ou ils racontent leur vie et en particulier leurs actions en tant que résistants. On peut le retrouver sur le site Paroles et Mémoires des quartiers populaires. (Auteur : Sylvia, Source : Canal Marches) )
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* Juste parmi les Nations |
Justes parmi les Nations - Righteous among the Nations - De Gerechten mank de Völker - Giusti tra le nazioni - Drept între popoare - Gerechter unter den Völkern - Sprawiedliwy wsród Narodów Swiata - Rechtvaardige onder de Volkeren - Justuloj inter la popoloj - Rättfärdig bland folken - Spravodlivý medzi národmi - Spravedlivý mezi národy - Vanhurskaat kansakuntien joukossa - Világ Igaza - Justos entre as nações - Justos entre las Naciones - Justos entre les Nacions |
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